Searching for Hypnotherapy Near Me?

Discover the transformative power of hypnotherapy from the comfort of your own home conducted via Zoom, by Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapist and Transformational Coach, Kandi Lee.

In ordinary everyday life, managing stress, anxiety, and the challenges that come with career and family life can be overwhelming at times. Add to that recent world events and navigating the crazy world we are all living in, it’s completely understandable that many people are struggling to cope. I’ve helped clients overcome a variety of issues ranging from anxiety, stress and depression to phobias, PTSD, weight-loss, addictions, self-esteem, fertility and many other mental, physical and emotional challenges.

By tapping into the power of your subconscious mind, through hypnotherapy, you are able to gain an insight into hidden and limiting beliefs, that are at the root cause of the problem you are currently experiencing. As well as addressing life’s challenges, hypnotherapy is also a brilliant tool for those who wish to gain a competitive advantage, get power over their minds and improve performance in areas such as business, sales and sports.

Hypnotherapy is a non-invasive, drug-free approach to addressing a wide range of mental, physical and emotional health issues and can be safely and effectively conducted via Zoom making it accessible to everyone with an internet connection.


Hypnotherapy Near Me

Benefits of Booking an Online Hypnotherapy Session:

  1. No need to travel
    When you book an appointment with our experienced hypnotherapist your session will be undertaken via Zoom which enables you to do the session from the comfort of your own home or office, reducing time to get to and from appointments, and negating the need to deal with traffic and parking hassles which can sometimes exacerbate stress and anxiety.
  2. After hours availability
    With online hypnotherapy sessions there is frequently more flexibility with availability, eliminating the need to take time off from work or studying to attend in person appointments at a clinic during business hours.
  3. Increased comfort and ability to relax
    Hypnotherapy sessions conducted online in your own environment, enable you to feel more relaxed and comfortable, you can even undertake a session sitting up in your bed in your pajamas! With increased physical and emotional comfort, often comes a level of relaxation that enables you to reach a deeper level of hypnosis more expediently.
  4. Effective, scientifically substantiated results
    Hypnotherapy is a scientifically validated modality that has helped millions of individuals overcome a wide range of issues. Since the availability of broadband internet connections online hypnotherapy sessions have been proven to be a safe an effective way to deliver hypnotherapy. To find out more about the how hypnotherapy sessions are conducted via Zoom, see FAQ’s.
  5. Accessible from anywhere
    If you’re geographically isolated, have difficulties with mobility or no access to a hypnotherapist in your locality, online hypnotherapy sessions are a brilliant solution as they eliminate the need to travel to a physical location, making hypnotherapy accessible to everyone, anywhere where there is an internet connection available. Thanks to online hypnotherapy sessions, you can now benefit from our services no matter where you are located and forget the frustration of searching “hypnotherapy near me”.

Have more questions?  Book a complimentary discovery call.